Cruciate ligament surgery for dogs

4 December 2023 - 8 min read

The information in this article has been reviewed by Sarah James RVN and Dr Sophie Bell on 10 June 2022. Although it may provide helpful guidance, it should not be substituted for professional veterinary advice.

Dog having surgery
Dog having surgery

Cranial cruciate ligament disease is one of the most common orthopaedic issues in dogs.

Unfortunately, problems with the cruciate ligaments aren’t cheap to put right. We paid out an average £1,490.23 for claims for cruciate ligament rupture in the 12 month period up to November 2023.

If you notice one day that your dog is limping or showing signs of lameness, it’s possible they’ve torn or ruptured a ligament.

Here’s how to work with your vet to get your dog back to health.


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Where is the cranial cruciate ligament in dogs?

“The stifle joint in dogs is the equivalent of the human knee. Ligaments and muscles support its stability, and both the cruciate ligaments play a vital role in its stability,” explains veterinary Surgeon Dr Sophie Bell.

“There's a cranial and caudal cruciate ligament, but it's the cranial ligament which is most likely to tear in our dogs completely or partially.”

The cranial cruciate ligament is sometimes called the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL.

The ligament connects the back of the femur (the bone above the knee) with the front of the tibia (the bone below the knee). The cruciate ligament helps keep the tibia in place beneath the femur and this stabilises the knee joint.

What’s cruciate ligament disease?

Just like humans, dogs experience tears and strains to muscles and ligaments through everyday physical activity. This is cruciate ligament injury.

But, Dr Bell points out, most cases are not from a sudden injury but are caused by a more gradual disease of the cruciate ligament over a period of time.

“Although trauma can lead to a sudden rupture, for dogs it’s usually due to degeneration overtime which is termed cruciate disease.

“Degeneration can occur over months to years, so middle aged to older dogs will be at a higher risk. Once it begins to degenerate it is hard to stop the process and even with rest and medication it's difficult for it to fully heal and return to normal stability.”

It’s not just dogs that have cruciate ligament problems, says Bell: “Cruciate rupture can occur in cats, but for them trauma is more than likely the cause.”

How can I tell if my dog has a cruciate ligament injury?

Look out for the following symptoms if you think your dog may have torn its ACL:

  • Lameness or weakness in one or both hind legs

  • Unable to bear weight on the injured leg

  • Limping or reluctance to use one or both hind legs

  • Joint occasionally clicking

  • Limping becomes worse with exercise but improves with rest

  • Unwillingness to play or run

  • Reluctance to get up, jump, run or go up and down stairs

  • Stiffness and difficulty getting up and sitting down

  • Swelling around the knee joint

  • Signs of muscle wasting

When a dog partially tears its cruciate ligament, it can quickly get worse due to continued physical activity. They begin compensating for the injury by transferring more weight onto the healthy leg which weakens the ligaments. In over half of all cases, dogs will go on to injure a second knee.

“If the cruciate ligaments of both legs are affected at the same time the dog may have a general stiff gait,” says Dr Bell.

Which breeds suffer from cruciate ligament injury?

Some breeds are particularly prone to cruciate ligament injuries, including:

Labrador after leg surgery

Our pet insurance claims data shows that cruciate ligament problems are most common in Labradors, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Rottweilers but we saw claims for it in over 150 different breeds and crossbreeds in 2021.

What are the causes?

When dogs suffer ligament injuries, it’s normally the result of subtle, slow degeneration that has taken place over a period of weeks, months and sometimes years. The ligament weakens and a tear eventually occurs.

Acute (sudden) cruciate ligament injuries are less common. They’re normally caused by strenuous or exuberant activities, like running and jumping which have impacted a healthy ligament.

Common causes for cruciate ligament injuries in dogs are:

  • Everyday activities – Everyday physical activities such as walking, running and jumping will naturally cause wear and tear to joints and ligaments, especially if they’re in poor physical health.

  • Ageing – Older dogs are more likely to suffer ligament injuries due to the natural ageing process.

  • Breeding practices – Poor breeding practices can result in dogs with hereditary and congenital conditions from birth. These dogs develop health issues which can lead to joint and ligament damage.

  • Being overweight – More dogs in the UK are now classified as clinically overweight or obese. Excessive weight puts more stress on a dog's ligaments over time.

  • Hip dysplasia – dogs with hip dysplasia are more likely to develop cruciate ligament tears.

Even your dog’s gender can increase the risk. “The risk is higher for females than males and the risk is increased in neutered dogs over those who are entire, says Dr Bell.

Neutering may play a part. “This study suggests that neutering breeds such as Labs and Golden Retrievers before the age of 12 months increases their risk of joint disease by four times.

“As these are breeds prone to cruciate rupture, delaying neutering until later might be advised. Discuss it with your vet to help you decide.”

Diagnosing cruciate ligament injury

Your vet will diagnose cruciate ligament rupture with x-rays and by manipulating the joint.

It’s possible that you’ll be referred for more advanced imaging like CT may be used, but that’s unusual.

What are the treatments?

Surgery’s usually the best option if your dog has completely torn their cranial cruciate ligament, especially if they’re young – but it comes at a price.

“Cost are around £5,000 per leg,” says Dr Bell.” Then there are the additional cost of physio and hydrotherapy for rehab. And costs could increase if there are any post-op complications.

“There are several surgical options. but usually a TPLO (tibial plateau levelling osteotomy) or TTA (tibial tuberosity advancement surgery) are performed.”

You’ll usually be referred to an orthopaedic specialist for these surgeries.

The average price of TPLO surgery in November 2023 is £4,650-£5,150, dispensing on your dog’s weight:

  •  £4,800-£5100 (depending on your dog’s weight) at FitzPatrick Referrals in Surrey.

  • £4,550 at Vale Referrals in Gloucestershire

  • £4,600-£5,200 at Anderson Moore Vets

These prices are per leg – you could be facing double that if your dog needs both legs treating.

The success of any surgery will depend on your dog’s age and health. Any surgery is riskier in older dogs.

“There’s an improved outcome if physio and hydrotherapy are started pre-operatively and continued after surgery,” says Dr Bell.

“Your dog will need to slowly build up with exercise and it can take up to three months to return to normal exercise after surgery.

“You may need to use a sling to help your dog out to the garden in the first two weeks and your vet may encouraged you to use ice packs to aid healing. You’ll also need to provide mental stimulation for your dog during this stage.”

Can a dog recover from a torn cruciate ligament without surgery?

Dogs can sometimes recover from cruciate ligament damage without surgery, but you need to consider the severity of their injury, their age and their general health.

If left untreated, a partially torn or ruptured cruciate ligament can improve within three to six weeks for most dogs, especially small ones.

“They will certainly appear better with rest from exercise but not back to 100%, says Dr Bell.

“These dogs can be on and off lame for years. Another important point is that if one cruciate ruptures the chances of the other one rupturing is over 30%.

If your dog’s not a good candidate for surgery or it’s financially out of reach, non-surgical treatments are an alternative.

Non-surgical treatment for ACL injuries, along with rest and medication can take between six weeks to two months for recovery, followed by a gentle programme of exercise.

Alternatives to surgery for cruciate ligament injuries

For partial tears, non-surgical treatment can be a better alternative. It's less invasive and cheaper than surgery.

“Non-surgical options are only a potential option for dogs weighing under 15kg,” says Dr Bell. “The problem is if a partial tear is left untreated the joint will develop osteoarthritis. This is likely to mean that if you then opt for surgery later on it won’t be as successful compared with operating earlier.”

Here are some treatments your vet might suggest:

Knee braces

Dog braces provide therapeutic support and stabilisation before and after surgery for dogs with cruciate ligament tears. A knee brace can be a good option if you have an older dog and you have concerns about the risks of surgery.

A brace can help stabilise the injured knee as well as balancing the back and hip areas of the dog, helping prevent further injury.


Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for dogs. It’s great for their overall health and provides an aerobic workout that tones and strengthens muscles. Swimming is a low impact activity and doesn’t put as much stress on a dog’s joints and tendons.

When submerged, the water takes a dog’s weight and supports their body. There is less stress and impacts on bones and joints than with land exercises. Swimming is good for the healing and rehabilitation from injury or surgery, especially for dogs who are older or overweight.

You can take your dog to a swimming bath that provide facilities for pets but avoid ponds, lakes or the sea as the cold water can dull your dog’s sense of pain and cause them to overdo it.


Hydrotherapy is exercising in water and provides many of the same benefits as swimming.

The water allows dogs to exercise but without the stress on muscles and joints. This form of therapy can help dogs suffering from cruciate ligament ruptures, arthritis and joint pain.


A canine physiotherapist can help your dog recover from cruciate ligament injury by manipulating muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue.


Prolotherapy, also known as nonsurgical ligament reconstruction, is a medical treatment for cruciate ligament tears and associated joint pain. It’s used to treat joint pain and increase ligament strength for humans, but it can also help dogs.

Prolotherapy can be performed on most dogs but it is more commonly used for middle-aged and older dogs. The treatment involves an injection into the affected area every three weeks for a total of four injections.

Many dog owners report a reduction in pain and increased mobility within the first two treatments. The treatment helps the growth and formation of new connective tissues in areas where it‘s become weak.

Cold laser therapy

Laser therapy can help dogs with a variety of conditions: sprains and strains, arthritis and swelling caused by disc problems. It’s especially good for puppies with torn cruciate ligaments.

Laser therapy focuses on penetrating the affected area. There’s no surgery or drugs needed as the laser works to stimulate blood circulation and regenerate cells. The warm heat generated will feel like a massage for your dog.

The laser stimulates a chemical reaction called photobiostimulation. It releases endorphins (the happy chemical) which helps dogs and other pets feel better. It’s good for muscle and tissue healing and helps speed up the recovery process.

Does pet insurance cover cruciate ligament surgery?

Cruciate ligament surgery can be very costly. You’ll need a dog insurance policy with a high limit to cover the entire cost.

Most pet insurance providers should cover cruciate ligament treatment if your dog first shows symptoms after you took out cover. But check your policy documents carefully – there are sometimes some specific exclusions around cruciate ligaments.

For example, some insurers have a separate vet fee limit just for cruciate ligament injuries which is a lot lower than your overall vet fee limit.

Insurers may also treat cruciate ligament disease as a ‘bilateral condition’. That means that if your dog had one leg treated before you took out the policy then suffers from the same condition in the second leg, they will say it’s the same pre-existing condition and won’t cover it.

If an insurer views cruciate ligament disease in both legs as one condition, that also means they won’t pay up to your vet fee limit for each let. For example, if your limit was £5,000 but surgery for each leg cost £4,000, the insurer would only pay out up to £5,000, not £8,000.

At ManyPets, we don’t exclude conditions bilaterally.

That means that if both cruciate ligaments were diagnosed at the same time, we would treat them as one condition and your vet fee limit would have to cover both legs. But if they were diagnosed separately, one at a time, we would view them as separate conditions and you could use your entire vet fee limit on each leg if needed.

Our Complete policy has a £15,000 vet fee limit – that should comfortably cover cruciate ligament surgery in both legs, whether they’re diagnosed together or one at a time.

How to prevent cruciate ligament injuries in dogs

These are Vet Sophie Bell’s top tips for preventing cruciate ligament injuries:

  • Keep exercise regular, as in not short walks during the week then huge amounts of high impact at the weekend.

  • Don’t walk puppies excessively while young and avoid high impact sports such as jumping or agility until at least 12 months – longer for large and giant breeds.

  • Throwing a tennis ball leads to excessive wear on joints. Think about some alternative tennis ball games instead.

  • Keep your dog at a healthy weight.

  • Consider joint supplements early in life for prone and active breeds. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are one such thing to potentially add and can be found in salmon oil, green lipped mussel, of flaxseed oil.

  • Learn exercises to strengthen your dog’s core muscles.

Derri Dunn
Content marketer

Derri is a personal finance and insurance writer and editor. After seven years covering all things motoring and banking at GoCompare, Derri joined ManyPets in 2021 to focus on pet health. She has fostered cats and kittens for Blue Cross and Cats Protection and is owned by tabby cat Diggory and two badly behaved dogs.