Dog attacks: How to prevent them, and what to do when you can’t

20 July 2023 - 5 min read
long haired dog baring teeth on tan background

Dogs are more than just pets; they're part of our families. They bring joy and companionship, and most of them are completely gentle. Still, dogs have animal instincts and sharp teeth. In rare cases, they can become aggressive.

So what happens when a family outing or a simple walk in the park turns into a frightening encounter with an aggressive dog? Or what if your own furry family member suddenly displays aggression—or worse, attacks you?

In this guide, we’ll explore the most effective techniques for preventing or responding to dog attacks.

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dog carrying a stethoscope in its mouth

Avoid triggering situations with dogs

Dogs attack for various reasons. Some dogs may have a history of abuse or neglect. But in other cases, their reasons for becoming aggressive may be closely linked to a specific situation. A dog may feel threatened, may be protecting their territory, may be prone to feeling anxious around strangers, or may be in pain.

Certain types of encounters can dramatically increase your odds of a canine confrontation. Do everything in your power to avoid the following:

  • Approaching an unfamiliar dog, especially if you’re moving toward them quickly

  • Sneaking up on a dog

  • Approaching a dog despite barks or warnings

  • Disturbing a dog who’s sleeping. That old saying about sleeping dogs exists for a reason!

  • Coming between a mummy dog and her pups

  • Approaching a tied-up dog, as they may feel trapped or vulnerable

  • Touching a dog roughly, like pulling on its tail or ears

  • Approaching a dog, even your own dog, who appears sick or injured. If you have no choice, do so with great care.

At the end of the day, your best bet for avoiding a dog attack is to steer clear of high-risk encounters. Just use your best judgment, and you’ll be far less likely to find yourself in a truly dangerous confrontation with a dog.

Recognise signs of aggression in a dog

Just like humans, dogs communicate their emotions in a wide variety of ways. Picking up on certain behaviours can help you prevent a frightening encounter from escalating into a full-blown attack. Here are some signs of aggression to look out for:

  • Growling

  • Baring teeth

  • Stiffened tail

  • Rigid body

  • Staring intensely

  • Fur standing up on their back

If you recognise some of these signals in time, here’s the good news: You may still have some time to defuse the situation.

What to do when a dog behaves aggressively 

As difficult as it may be to think clearly during a frightening confrontation, there are certain things you should do if you find yourself face-to-face with a dog who’s displaying signs of aggression.

First, remember that dogs can sense panic. In fact, research has determined that dogs can literally smell fear which can cause a spike in their own agitation. It’s important to stay as calm as possible. Never scream or raise your voice; if you do speak to them, do so calmly and gently.

Try to avoid direct eye contact, which dogs can perceive as a threat. Smiling won’t defuse the situation; on the contrary, aggressive dogs sometimes interpret bared teeth as a direct challenge. Be sure to avoid any sudden movements, that a dog might see as a threat. In fact, you’d be well advised to stand completely still, at least at first.

Don’t run, as they’re likely to chase you. When you get the chance, try to back away slowly and deliberately and remove yourself to a safe location.

What to do if a dog attacks you

If a dog charges at you, it may be possible to get them to bite something that isn’t actually part of your body, like the sleeve of a jumper. In that case, you may be able to get the entire garment off and let them have it, which could distract them long enough for you to get away.

But if you fall victim to a full-scale dog attack despite your best efforts at de-escalation, your first priority should be to protect your vital areas, such as your face, neck, and chest. Use your arms and hands to shield these areas. You can protect your fingers by keeping your hands balled up in fists. If you're knocked over, curl into a ball and use your fists to protect your ears and neck.

If the dog continues to attack, you may need to get physical and fight back. But hopefully, you’ll never find yourself in that position.

What to do after a dog attack

After an attack has ended and you’re certain that you’re safely away from the dog, it's critical to attend to any wounds immediately. If you're able to, clean any wounds with warm water and soap and cover the wound with a clean bandage.

Ensure you report the incident to the police, which will help prevent future attacks.

After cleaning, should the wound still contain any teeth, hair or dirt, it appears nasty or you suspect an infection you should phone 111. This is also true if you've been bitten on your feet or hands.

If the wound won't stop bleeding, is deep or you've been bitten on your face or head you should go straight to A&E. If the dog bite has torn off a body part such as a finger, wrap it up in tissue and put it in a bag with ice, to take to the hospital.

Dog bites can lead to serious infections and other complications, so don't put off seeking medical help. If needed a doctor can properly clean and dress the wound and provide you with any necessary antibiotics.

How to prevent your dog from attacking others

You can’t control how other pet parents raise their pups. But there’s plenty you can do to reduce the chance that your own dog will ever be the one attacking.

Effective socialisation, starting from puppyhood, is key to preventing aggressive behaviour throughout your dog’s life. Socialisation involves exposing your dog to a variety of people, environments, and other animals in a positive way, which can help them feel more comfortable and less threatened in different situations. A well-socialised dog is less likely to attack humans or other pets.

When standard socialisation and puppy training techniques don’t work or when you’ve adopted a behaviourally challenging dog from a rescue centre, you may need to take stronger steps to address your dog’s aggressive tendencies. In some cases, that may mean enlisting a behavioural expert.

There may be an underlying cause leading to the behavioural issues. At ManyPets we’ll cover behavioural treatment when needed as a result of illness or injury when referred by your vet.

Behavioural treatment covered up to your vet fee limit.

How ManyPets can help

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All our policies also include Public Liability cover, so if the worse does happen, you're covered.

Learn more about our dog insurance today and give your pet the protection they deserve.

This article is written for informational purposes. It is not a substitute for advice from a licensed expert. If you have any real-life concerns or questions regarding canine aggression, please contact a licensed behavioural specialist, a veterinarian, or both.

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