The importance of annual exams and vaccinations

25 June 2021 - 6 min read

Annual pet exams and vaccinations are important preventative measures to keep pets healthy. We usually categorise this under the term “wellness”.

In the world of pet health care, the term “wellness” has a very specific meaning. More specifically, it’s another word for “routine” or “preventative.” In other words, anything that’s not an unexpected injury or illness.

So kennel cough or a sprained paw? That’s not wellness. But preventing kennel cough with the Bordetella vaccine, or examining your pup to make sure they’re in on one piece? Bingo. And when it comes to wellness, the most important thing you can possibly do for your pup or kitty is take them to routine exams.


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How should you prepare for a pet annual exam?

Image of a vet looking at a dog's paw

When you take your four-legged friend to a vet check, your presence is just as important as your pet’s. As you’ve probably noticed, your pet can’t speak. (No, woof and meow don’t really count.) That means you’ll have to be the one to tell the veterinarian what your furry friend’s health has been like.

So be attentive! In the days and weeks leading up to the exam (well, all the time really) you should observe your furry friend’s lifestyle habits, and take note of any abnormal behaviours.

Here are some questions you should be prepared to answer:

  • What have you been feeding your pet?

  • Have they been eating and drinking the right amount?

  • Has their breathing been smooth and unlabored?

  • How much exercise have you been giving them?

  • Have they been unusually aggressive, anxious, or sluggish? ‘

  • Has anything changed when it comes to their urination and bowel movements?

FYI, some vets use the phrase “elimination patterns” to refer to that last one, but it's totally fine if you just say peeing and pooping.

Oh, and when you book your appointment, be sure to ask your vet whether they want you to bring in urine or fecal samples, or whether you should have your pet fast before the visit. If this is your furry friend’s first exam in a while, there’s a good chance your vet will ask for all of the above so they can test for parasites or other abnormalities.

Vets usually prefer to perform this type of testing at least once a year with adult dogs and cats. And for puppies and kittens, faecal testing can be recommended as often as once a month, since they’re much more likely to have parasites than older dogs. (Yugh.)

Here’s the bottom line: even if there’s something wrong, your furry family member may not exhibit the problem during those precious health checking minutes. So it’s a huge help if you can let your vet know that you’ve seen something troubling or abnormal. In fact, it may help guide your vet toward specific tests or treatments.

What should you expect during a pet annual exam?

A small, fluffy dog is being examined by a veterinarian wearing a white coat and blue gloves. The vet is using a stethoscope to listen to the dog's chest. A clipboard with a pen is on the examination table in the foreground.

Well, aside from the part where you answer questions and fork over any potty samples, there’s also the actual exam.

Here are some of the things your vet will likely check:

  • Weight and muscle condition

  • Alertness

  • How your pet stands, walks and balances

  • Coat and skin condition

  • Your pet’s, eyes, ears nose and face

  • Your pet’s mouth and teeth

  • Heartbeat and breathing

  • Your pet’s lymph nodes

  • Your pet’s abdomen (specifically, the areas that include major organs)

Depending on your pet’s age or medical history, your vet might also recommend taking a blood panel or administering an allergy test. Ultimately, your vet will examine anything and everything that might demonstrate apparent signs of ill health, malnutrition or injury.

Hopefully, nothing will be wrong. But any number of issues can surface during an annual exam, from enlarged organs to a dry and oily coat to lesions or tumours. If anything seems amiss, your vet will almost certainly recommend further testing — and possibly treatment.

Do vets administer vaccinations during an annual exam?

three dogs sitting on a wooden platform and looking sad

Yup. Pet vaccinations are usually performed in conjunction with routine exams. You might also ask, do dogs need annual vaccinations? The answer is still yes, and they’re incredibly important. Just as people need to get vaccinated against common human illnesses, our pets need to be protected against conditions that affect dogs and cats, such as rabies and Bordetella.

There are also a number of species-specific pet vaccines, like the ones for canine influenza or feline leukaemia.

With most of them, your pet will have to get boosters at some point, and the scheduling varies.

Whether you have a dog or cat, vaccinations can help prevent a slew of different illnesses. And that’s not just important for your furry friend’s physical health — it’s also important for your financial health. Our article on vaccination costs discusses more. 

But actually treating any of the illnesses that these vaccines are designed to prevent? That’s a lot more expensive.

Here’s the bottom line: pet annual exams and regularly scheduled vaccinations are the best (and least expensive!) way to keep your four-legged friend safe and protected. It’s far better to keep your pet from getting sick than to initiate emergency treatment once they’re sick already. Your savings account will be more protected — and more importantly, your furry pal will live a healthier and longer life.

Should I vaccinate my pet? What happens if it’s not vaccinated?

The majority of vaccinations are there to protect your pet from life-threatening diseases. They help to keep your pet alive and well, as well as lower the overall transmission of fatal or serious diseases. 

Insurers, like us, won’t cover illnesses that occur from a lack of vaccination either. When you purchase a policy with us, you agree that: 

"You understand that you will not be covered for any vaccinable illness unless you follow your vet’s recommendations on vaccinations."

We wouldn’t be able to cover any illnesses that could have been prevented by a vaccine unless your vet has specifically recommended otherwise.

Services like catteries and boarding kennels may refuse service too, as they’ll need up-to-date vaccinations to ensure the safety of other animals they’re caring for. The same applies if you’re travelling abroad with your pet

How often should I take my pet to an exam, and is annually best?

yellow lab with black collar and mouth open sits on top of the vet's exam table while being examined.

It varies, but it mostly depends on your pet’s age. Puppies and kittens need the most attention (and the most testing, especially since they’re so prone to intestinal parasites). They also need their first full regimen of vaccinations. A vet may recommend that you bring in a small puppy or kitty as often as once a month.

It tapers off after that. You should always bring your pet to the vet if you’re seeing any clear symptoms of illness or injury of course — but a healthy young adult dog or cat usually doesn’t need more than one annual exam a year.

One day, though, your pet will reach middle age, then become a senior, and then hit geriatric territory. At that point, the annual exams will become more frequent. As early as six years old, your vet will likely advise you to start bringing your pet in semi-annually. Some other factors — like a history of illness — may also prompt your vet to advise more frequent visits.

So just remember to stay communicative with your vet — they’ll tell you when you need to start bringing your pet in more often.

Okay, so why is regular health checking important for animals?

Veterinarian doctor examining the skin disease of a cat above its eye

Because keeping your pet healthy is vastly superior to getting your pet healthy.

We’ve already explored the importance of vaccinations. But the exams themselves are just as important. The earlier your veterinarian catches a problem, the better. An underweight dog can bulk up in no time if your vet makes diet recommendations or prescribes special food. A cat with a dry or oily coat might be suffering from any number of health conditions, including diabetes or hyperthyroidism, which are far more treatable when they’re addressed early. And a pet with one small tumour on their skin will be far easier to cure than a pet with widespread cancer.

When your pup or kitty is in perfect health, nothing beats pet annual exams and vaccinations for basic peace of mind. They’ll not only help protect your finances — they’re the first line of defence when it comes to keeping health conditions from becoming more serious.

Of course, pet insurance can help you and your pet prepare for these unexpected health conditions too.

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